Your Baby’s Journey: Developmental Milestones at Four Months

Watching your baby grow and develop can be a thrilling experience, and as a parent, it’s crucial to keep track of your baby’s developmental milestones. These milestones indicate your baby’s growth and development, and by monitoring them, you can ensure your baby is reaching their milestones at the right time.

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At four months, your baby has achieved several developmental milestones that indicate their physical, emotional, and cognitive development.

Physical Development Milestones at Four Months

Physical development milestones refer to your baby’s ability to control their body movements and perform physical tasks. At four months, your baby has achieved various physical development milestones, including:

  • Control over head and neck: By four months, your baby can hold their head up for extended periods and have better control over their neck muscles.
  • Rolling over from tummy to back: Some babies can roll over from their tummy to their back at four months. Rolling over signifies your baby is developing their muscles and coordination.
  • Improved hand-eye coordination: At four months, your baby can grasp objects and bring them closer to their face. This is a sign of improved hand-eye coordination.
  • Improved vision: Your baby’s vision has improved significantly by four months, and they can now recognize familiar faces and objects from a distance.

Emotional Development Milestones at Four Months

Emotional development milestones refer to your baby’s ability to recognize and express emotions. At four months, your baby starts developing their social and emotional skills. Some emotional development milestones your baby may achieve at four months include:

  • Responds to voice and smiles: Your baby will start to respond to your voice and smile back at you. They will also begin to show affection towards their parents and caregivers.
  • Babbling and making cooing sounds: Your baby may start to babble and make cooing sounds, which is their way of communicating with you.
  • Engaging with the baby: As a parent, it’s crucial to respond to your baby’s cues and engage with them as much as possible to foster their emotional development.

Cognitive Development Milestones at Four Months

Cognitive development milestones refer to your baby’s ability to think, learn, and understand the world around them. At four months, your baby’s cognitive development is advancing rapidly. Some cognitive development milestones your baby may achieve at four months include:

  • Recognizes faces and objects: Your baby will start recognizing familiar faces and objects and responding to their name.
  • Imitates sounds and movements: Your baby may start to imitate sounds and movements, which is their way of learning and practicing new skills.
  • Shows interest in their surroundings: Your baby will start to show an interest in their surroundings and may even start to explore new objects and textures.


By four months, your baby has achieved several developmental milestones that indicate their physical, emotional, and cognitive growth. It’s essential to keep track of these milestones and monitor your baby’s development to ensure they reach their milestones at the right time.

Table of developmental milestones at 4 months

Developmental MilestonesDescription
Physical Development- Control over head and neck: Improved ability to hold head up and control neck muscles.
- Rolling over from tummy to back: Some babies may achieve this, indicating muscle and coordination development.
- Improved hand-eye coordination: Ability to grasp objects and bring them closer to the face.
- Improved vision: Recognition of familiar faces and objects from a distance.
Emotional Development- Responds to voice and smiles: Begins to respond to voices, smile back, and show affection towards parents and caregivers.
- Babbling and making cooing sounds: Communication development through babbling and cooing.
- Engaging with the baby: Encouraging parent-child interaction to foster emotional development.
Cognitive Development- Recognizes faces and objects: Starts recognizing familiar faces and objects, responds to name.
- Recognizes faces and objects: Starts recognizing familiar faces and objects, and responds to name.
- Shows interest in surroundings: Exhibits curiosity about the environment, explores new objects and textures
Table of developmental milestones at 4 months

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Susan Wanjiru

August 27, 2024

I hope I will learn what I expect.

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