Which Type of Intelligence Does Your Child Have?

Which Type of Intelligence Does Your Child Have

In earlier years, intelligence was defined only by solving mathematical problems. But over time, scientists have proved that this is not true. There are actually many types of intelligence. Most people are predisposed to one of them from birth. It can be useful to find out which type of intelligence your child has to develop, work on it more and have a related profession in the future. Let’s take a look at the types of intelligence and some tips on how your child can develop them.

1) Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence:

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These children have the intelligence to comprehend different languages quickly. Their thoughts are in the form of verbal sounds rather than images. They are also very good at writing, telling stories, and remembering names and dates. If you think your child has verbal-linguistic intelligence, learning new languages-words, reading books, writing articles-poems, and watching movies in different languages can help them develop this type of intelligence more.

2) Logic-Mathematical Intelligence:

These kids are very good at making connections between numbers and symbols, calculations and problem-solving. If you think your kid has logical-mathematical intelligence, you can suggest them to solve mathematical problems, and play games such as puzzles, chess, jigsaw puzzles, checkers, etc. These activities can help them to improve more.

3) Visual-Spatial Intelligence:

These children are very good at memorizing and remembering images. Their thoughts usually consist of explicit images and pictures. If you think your child has visual intelligence, painting, doing handicrafts, taking photos of nature, and building lego buildings can encourage them to develop this type of intelligence more.

4) Personal-Intrapersonal Intelligence:

These kids have very strong intuition. It is very important for them to recognize their own world and be in touch with it. If you think your kid has this type of intelligence, spending time with them, keeping a diary, and setting goals can help them to develop this type of intelligence more.

5) Nature-Existential Intelligence:

These children are especially good at recognizing, remembering, and researching all living things. They are sensitive to the environment and like to take responsibility. If you think your child has this type of intelligence, participating in social responsibility projects, watching documentaries, and doing research will help them develop this type of intelligence more.

6) Musical Intelligence:

These kids are very good at thinking about notes, and rhythms, recognizing different sounds, sensitivity to sounds from the environment and musical instruments and creating new sounds and rhythms. If you think your kid has this type of intelligence, joining a choir, singing, playing musical instruments, and creating new rhythms can help them improve this type of intelligence.

7) Kinesthetic Intelligence:

These children are very good at effectively expressing themselves through movement, gestures, and facial expressions and using brain and body coordination. They can be successful in many sports at the same time. If you think your child has this type of intelligence, joining sports teams and dancing can help them develop this type of intelligence more.

8) Social Intelligence:

These kids have leadership qualities and are popular among their friends. They are seen as natural leaders. They enjoy participating in social activities. They have more than one close friend. They care and worry about others. They give advice to friends who have problems. They look out for the people they are with, their friends. They enjoy telling things to other people. If you think that your kid has this type of intelligence, participating in discussion groups at school, team games, being a member of clubs-associations-foundations, and participating in social activities will help them to improve this type of intelligence more.

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