Raising Compassionate & Conscientious Children: 11 Tips

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How should we behave if we want our children to be conscientious and compassionate?

If you wish your child to be helpful, caring, compassionate, and conscientious, you should start by showing it with your words and actions. Try to be beneficial to your environment and your neighbors. Endear them to nature and animals. Teach them the virtue of doing good without expecting anything in return.

What should we understand by the concepts of conscience and compassion?

Caring for others and feeling sorry for them are defined in psychology as empathy and sympathy. There is no exact equivalent of compassion and mercy in Western sources. We start developing empathy in infancy and childhood. How? Through a healthy, compassionate relationship between parents and children. For conscience can only be reached through compassion, and conscience is only activated through understanding. The education of conscience begins with compassion. First, with the compassion of a mother who touches, who holds her child every time they cry, of a father who hugs his child whenever they are afraid. Conscience develops with a grandfather who embraces his grandchild, an uncle who jokes, and a teacher who smiles and never yells at school. Conscience and compassion are what distinguish human beings from other living beings. Wouldn’t you want a son who is not cruel to animals, who flips an upside-down turtle, who tucks his father in when he is asleep; a friend who doesn’t laugh at his friend when he falls but takes him by the hand and lifts him; a campus student who goes to class every day and painstakingly keeps his notes but shares them with his friend who can’t come to school; a first grader who offers his biscuit to the next classmate; a grandson who holds the hand of his grandfather who can hardly walk; a daughter-in-law who gladly takes her mother-in-law to dialysis every day? Who wouldn’t want to raise a conscientious, compassionate son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, or teacher?

What kind of attitudes fosters the growth of conscience in children?

If you want your children to be compassionate and conscientious:

1. Model compassionate behavior towards one another in the family.

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Children who grow up in a loving and warm family environment are more sensitive to the feelings of others. Studies have shown that a very compassionate mother increases the level of empathy in the child during preschool. Cover a sleeping stranger, don’t yell at your child when they fall, hug them and make them realize that you feel their pain by saying, “did it hurt a lot.”

2. Show benevolent behavior in your environment.

Help the poor and needy; pick out your outgrown clothes and toys with your child to give to those in need. Provide support to your neighbors in need.

3. Let your child help you with some things.

Give them a duster and dust the house together. Give them regular responsibilities around the house, such as setting the table, emptying the dishwasher, taking care of a younger sibling or taking out the garbage. Teach them how to bake a cake. Patiently show them how to crack an egg.

4. Encourage them to love nature. Help them integrate with nature.

Give them the task of watering the flowers in your home. Smell the flowers and even talk to the flowers together. Plant trees and take walks with them.

5. Let them love and feed animals.

Feed a hungry dog together, offer milk to a thirsty cat, bag your leftovers and give them to animals on the street. Never step on ants.

6. Help them to feel the beauty and joy of sharing.

Prepare occasional surprises in the lunchbox for them to share with their friends.

7. Describe their thoughtful and benevolent behaviors as part of their character.

For example, ” You’re a perfect and helpful child who thinks beautifully.”…

8. Explain the effects of their behavior on others.

When they hurt their friend or do something unfair and wrong, ask, “How would you feel if you were in their shoes?” and don’t let them act unfairly. Make your rules clear and precise.

9. Acknowledge their feelings and help them to express those feelings.

Make them feel that you understand and use lots of words about their emotions. ” You seem very upset. Did something happen?”…

10. Strengthen your family ties.

Eat meals together and do activities that everyone would enjoy. Use daily expressions of love and support. Remind your child and other family members often that you love them.

11. Make a list of things good children do and hang it in their room.

Explain that every good deed they do will surely be rewarded. Encourage them to do good deeds. Set their ideals of what good children should do. Explain to them that angels applaud them for every good act they do and that they will be rewarded for their good deeds in this world and the hereafter.

When does conscience education begin?

Conscience education starts from the moment a child is born.

Is conscience education something that needs to be imparted to the child externally, or is it the development of something internal?

Conscience is the development, strengthening and flourishing of what is internal through external education.

What should parents pay attention to to raise conscientious children? Which wrong behaviors within the family lead to children who lack a conscience?

Children are self-centered. They think and act in the moment. It is the duty of parents to teach them about good and evil, right and wrong. And this is only possible through healthy discipline methods. Parents should set clear, ageappropriate rules and expect their child to follow them. Only through parental discipline can a child learn good, bad, right and wrong, and moral values. They care about the feelings of others and develop the necessary life skills in society. Yet, the family must also create a warm and emotional relationship while setting these rules. In other words, if you want to protect your child from narcissism, your parenting style should teach the rules and is explanatory and loving.

Which negative parenting styles lead to children growing up without conscience training?

Parenting style is essential at this point; unfortunately, children raised in an emotionless environment with excessive discipline and punishment grow up without conscience education.

What dangers await children who lack a conscience?

We can say that children who lack conscience will be the psychopaths of the future.

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