Of course, every child occasionally daydreams in class, not hearing what the teacher is saying. It is natural for this to happen from time to time. But if you notice that your child is doing this often and it’s having a negative impact on their life at the same time as they are thinking about other things, it’s time to look a little deeper into this problem.
Some people can be easily distracted and have difficulty focusing, so they often forget where they put things or don’t remember something someone has told them. This may be due to attention deficit.
Attention deficit can occur at any age. Some children may need to try harder to focus than others. Sometimes the effort is not enough, and they may need to see a doctor. Remember, doctors work for our well-being and our children, so they will make the best decision for them. There may be other problems behind your child’s attention deficit that must be addressed promptly. Now let’s see what we can do to help our children with these problems.
Ask your child to write down their thoughts:
Sudden thoughts can become a distraction for your child. Sometimes these thoughts are very complex, and it can be difficult for them to stop thinking. In such cases, you can encourage your child to write down the thoughts that come to them in the moment. Let them look at the paper and then ask themselves: “Do these thoughts help me in any way?” If these thoughts are about the future, they can say to themselves, “I will think about this when the time comes.” Jotting down thoughts at the moment can sometimes help them to stop.
Recommend doing some attention exercises:
Another way to improve your child’s attention is to encourage them to do attention exercises. You can tell your child to do these exercises every day, if possible, not only during periods when they have trouble focusing but also in their daily routine. These can be very simple exercises. For example, writing a few numbers of 5 digits on a piece of paper and then trying to remember them. Your child can then increase this to 10 and maybe even 20 numbers. Counting square or rectangular objects around them or counting red and blue objects can also be a beneficial attention exercise for your child. These will only take 5-10 minutes a day. And don’t forget to let them in on a little secret: the brains of those who do these things regularly age later, so your child can benefit greatly from these simple exercises.
They should eliminate distractions:
If your child is easily distracted while studying, tell them to try to have as few things around them as possible. Keep only the necessary notebook on their desk and avoid studying in a disorganized room. Put their phone on silent and away from them while they are studying. They can put on headphones and calm and distraction-free music if outside noises bother them.